Return Policy

7-day Return Policy

WHAT can be returned?

All items (Brand New Only) may be returned excluding consumable / perishables such as:

  • Film
  • Batteries
  • Chemicals
  • Paper
  • Lens Tissue / Cleaning Cloths

To qualify for the return, please ensure that the item remains in a condition that allows for its resale.Opened items may be accepted back at our discretion.

WHEN do items need to be returned by?

  • All claims need to be submitted in writing via email within 7 days of receipt of goods.

WHERE do items need to be returned to?

  • For Hong Kong and Macau customers, the returned items need to be delivered to a Hong Kong address.
  •  For mainland China customers, the returned items need to be delivered to the Shenzhen-based After-Sale support center.

HOW do customers return items?

  • Please submit an email for return including your receipt and reason.
  • You may organize a courier when you receive the authorization code from us through email. (Please inform us of the inbound delivery/return of goods and provide a tracking number, and send tracking information.)
  • MERRY FOCUS shall be responsible for inspecting the goods immediately upon delivery to ensure that the goods are those ordered from MERRY FOCUS.

SHIPPING for returns?

  •  If you have simply changed your mind or ordered an incorrect item, you will be subject to pay for the return of your item.
  •  If the item has non-human-related defects, MERRY FOCUS will take care of the shipping cost for your return.
  • If the item is damaged in transit, MERRY FOCUS will either organize the collection of the item or refund your shipping cost, as long as a receipt can be provided.
  • If you have purchased an item or items via our website and have been sent an incorrect item, MERRY FOCUS will either organize the collection of the item or refund your shipping cost, as long as a receipt can be provided.

Packing materials?

  • Please attempt to use the original packaging. If you do not have the original packaging, please package the items sensibly.

In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail.





  • 胶片
  • 电池
  • 化学品
  • 纸张
  • 镜头纸/清洁布

为了符合退货条件,请确保物品保持可供重新销售的状态。拆封的商品是否接受退换,MERRYFOCUS 有自主决定权。


  • 所有索赔需要在收到货物后的7天内以书面形式通过电子邮件提交。


  • 对于香港和澳门客户,退回的物品需要送到香港地址。 对于中国大陆客户,退回的物品需要送到位于深圳的售后支持中心。


  • 请提交一封退货电子邮件,包括您的收据和原因。
  • 当您取得我们提供的退货授权码后,您可以安排一个快递(请通知我们关于货物已交付快递,并提供一个快递追踪码)。
  • MERRY FOCUS将负责在交付后立即检查货物,以确保货物与MERRY FOCUS订购的相符。


  • 如果您只是改变了主意或订购了错误的物品,您将需要支付退货物品的费用。
  • 如果物品具有非人为缺陷,MERRY FOCUS将为您的退货物品支付运费。
  • 如果物品在运输途中损坏,只要提供收据,MERRY FOCUS将组织取回物品或退还您的运费。
  • 如果您通过我们的网站购买了物品或商品,并收到了错误的物品,只要提供收据,MERRY FOCUS将组织取回物品或退还您的运费。


  • 请尝试使用原始包装。如果没有原始包装,请合理地包装物品。
