Delivery Methods (Pick-up and SF Express)
Delivery Methods (Pick-up and SF Express)
We offer two convenient delivery methods for your orders:
- Pick-up: You have the option to personally pick up your order at our designated locations.
- SF Express: If you have a Hong Kong address, you can choose from multiple delivery options including home delivery, SF Locker, or SF store.
Who Benefit the most:
For customers currently in Hong Kong, you have the flexibility to either opt for pick-up or have your parcel delivered to your preferred location.
- 自取: 您可以选择亲自前往我们指定的地点自取您的订单。
- 顺丰快递: 如果您有香港地址,您可以选择,包括送货上门、顺丰智能柜或顺丰门店。
谁会从中受益最多: 对于目前在香港的客户,您可以自由选择自取或将您的包裹送至您首选的地点。